Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 24 2007

This is the week when the legal establishment finally ended it's relentless pursuit of Barry Bonds with a federal indictment. The charge is lying to a grand jury but let's face it; Bonds is being prosecuted, or perhaps persecuted for being the worst athletic jerk in baseball history this side of Mike Schmidt.

Bonds faces up to thirty years in jail for his sins despite the fact that he was not a distributor of drugs; only a customer for a drug that was not even illegal in baseball when he was a user. They tell me the U.S. legal sysem spent six million dollars to nail Bonds while ignoring Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro who in fact lied to Congress about his steroid use.

To me Barrfy Bonds' biggest sin was that he wouldn't give an inch to "the man". And if he somehow manages to beat the steroid rap the IRS is waiting in the wings to make sure they bring him to his knees.

Barry Bonds' biggest sin isn't steroid use or lying to a grand jury. It's thumbing his nose at the "system". The only thing missing is the lynching.

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